If You Remove Fat Cells With Lipo Do You Not Get Fat in That Area Again

Liposuction surgery is an excellent, constructive option for removing unwanted excess fatty deposits from a number of areas of the body, including the arms, thighs and buttocks, and abdomen, including the stomach and hips. All the same, while the fat cells removed during liposuction will not abound dorsum, the remaining fat cells tin can get enlarged if a healthy diet and lifestyle are non maintained after your liposuction procedure. In other words, it is possible to proceeds weight after a liposuction surgery has been performed.

However, information technology is possible to ensure that your liposuction surgery results are permanent and that your new, contoured body remains as unchanged as possible afterwards you take recovered from your surgery.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that involves the removal of localized fatty collections via suction. Modern liposuction techniques also involve the liquefaction (melting) of adipose tissue, which results in a more gentle removal of fat and the wrinkle of overlying soft tissue.

At SpaMedica, liposuction surgeries involve the apply of energy-assisted devices such as SmartLipo™, BodyTite™, and VASERLipo™. Near procedures are performed with local anesthesia only, and full recovery takes a maximum of three weeks.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With Liposuction?

Skillful candidates for liposuction take unwanted, stubborn pockets of fat but are realistic well-nigh their desired liposuction outcomes since the primary goal of liposuction is body contouring, not dramatic weight loss. While in that location volition be some weight loss after a liposuction process is performed, by and large, the procedure is only performed on individuals who are already within ten-15% of their goal body weight and are in good concrete health otherwise.

How Long Do The Results Last?

The results of a liposuction procedure are lifelong, and the fat that is removed during the procedure will not return. However, it is important to ensure that you do non gain more than 10-15 pounds post-obit your liposuction procedure, as any more significant weight gain will negatively bear upon the body contouring effects of your liposuction. If yous proceeds a significant amount of weight following your liposuction procedure, you will more likely see the accumulation of fat on untreated areas than on the treated area.

Practice Fat Cells Come up Back After Liposuction?

No, the fat cells treated past a liposuction procedure do non come dorsum later on liposuction, and your body will not produce new fat cells in the treated area. Withal, it is still possible that the remaining fatty cells in the treated area enlarge subsequently your plastic surgery. As a issue, it will be possible for you to gain weight in other areas of your trunk, which will impact your overall contouring effect liposuction procedure.

Can I Gain Weight Afterwards Liposuction?

Yeah, you can gain weight afterwards liposuction. You will not likely gain weight in the surface area where liposuction was performed, as your body will not produce new fatty cells at that place after your treatment. However, whatever remaining fat cells can enlarge, and you will be able to gain weight in other areas of your body — for instance, if you had liposuction performed on your stomach, new fat deposits may develop on your thighs, buttocks, or arms. Excessive fat in untreated areas will negatively impact the smooth, contoured silhouette created by your liposuction surgery.

woman laying on her side

How To Maintain Your Liposuction Results

It is of import to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to best maintain your liposuction results. Your plastic surgeon will accept a consultation with yous before and after your procedure to advise you on preventing dramatic weight gain afterwards your process. Here are some additional tips:

1. Consume Healthy

Eating meals that are college in lean protein and lower in simple carbohydrates will help yous to maintain your weight subsequently your liposuction surgery. Many dieticians recommend eating numerous small meals throughout the day, rather than two or three larger meals, to encourage a salubrious metabolism. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, and opt for h2o or low-calorie sodas over fruit juices or alcoholic beverages as much as possible. By monitoring your caloric intake and eating smaller meals, you will be able to easily maintain your liposuction result.

2. Exercise Regularly

Incorporating at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity three times a calendar week into your routine is an excellent way to make certain you do non gain excessive weight after your liposuction. Do is also an excellent stress booster and mood regulator and tin help y'all avoid overeating or reaching for sugary or calorie-dense foods, which is something many people do in times of stress.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Some studies have shown that those who do non become enough restful sleep tend to overeat and find it difficult to motivate themselves to exercise. Practicing good sleep hygiene, which includes keeping cell phones or computers out of the sleeping room and avoiding food for at least three hours before bedtime, can help yous get consistently restful slumber, which is essential for your overall good health.


Dr. Stephen Mulholland has been practicing plastic surgery for over 20 years. He is i of Canada'due south most renowned and all-time plastic surgeons in Toronto with his wealth of experience, artistry, and humbleness towards his patients.


Source: https://www.spamedica.com/blog/fat-after-liposuction/

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