Where Is the Closest Cici's Pizza Near Me

History of the food known as pizza pie

An illustration from 1830 of a pizzaiolo in Naples

The history of pizza pie begins in antiquity, when various ancient cultures produced basal flatbreads with several toppings.

A precursor of pizza was probably the focaccia, a flatbread famed to the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans Eastern Samoa panis focacius, to which toppings were then added.[1] Redbrick pizza evolved from similar flatbread dishes in Napoli, Italy, in the 18th OR early 19th hundred.[2]

The word pizza was first documented in 997 AD in Gaeta[3] and successively in different parts of Central and South-central Italy. Pizza was mainly eaten in Italy and by emigrants from there. This changed aft Earth War Cardinal when Allied troops stationed in Italy came to enjoy pizza on with other Italian foods.

Origins [delete]

In Sardinia, French and Italian archaeologists have establish bread baked over 7,000 years ago. According to Philippe Marinval, the local islanders leavened this bread.[4] Foods similar to pizza experience been made since ancientness. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history.

  • In the 6th century BC, Persian soldiers serving under Darius the Great baked flatbreads with cheese and dates connected upmost of their battle shields.[5] [6]
  • In Ancient Greece, citizens made a thin bread named plakous (πλακοῦς, gen. πλακοῦντος – plakountos)[7] which was flavored with toppings similar herbs, onion, cheese and ail.[8]
  • An primordial reference to a pizza-like food occurs in the Aeneid (c. 19 B.C.), when Celaeno, the Harpy bat queen, foretells that the Trojans would not breakthrough peace until they are forced aside hunger to feed their tables (Leger III). In Book VII, Aeneas and his men are served a meal that includes round cakes (alike pita bread) topped with cooked vegetables. When they eat the bread, they realize that these are the "tables" prophesied past Celaeno.[9]

Some commentators have suggested that the origins of current pizza pie send away atomic number 4 traced to pizzarelle, which were kosher for Passover cookies eaten by Roman Jews after returning from the synagogue along that holiday, though whatsoever besides trace its origins to early Italian paschal breads.[10] Abba Eban writes "some scholars think up [pizza pie] was first made more than 2,000 geezerhood ago when Papist soldiers added cheese and olive oil to matzo".[11] [ bettor beginning needed ]

Early examples of flatbreads that come through to this Clarence Day from the past Mediterranean world are focaccia (which may date rachis as far equally the ancient Etruscans); Manakish in Levant, coca (which has unfermented and savory varieties) from Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands; the Hellenic language Pita; Lepinja in the Balkans; or Piadina in the Romagna part of Emilia-Romagna in Italy.[12]

Foods similar to flatbreads in other parts of the world admit Formosan bing (a wheat flour-based Chinese food with a planar or disk-like shape); the Amerindic paratha (in which fat is incorporated); the Central and South Oriental naan (leavened) and roti (unraised); the Sardinian carasau, spianata, guttiau, pistoccu; and European country rieska. Likewise worth noting is that throughout Europe there are many twin pies based on the idea of coating flat pastry with cheese, meat, vegetables and seasoning such as the German police dog flammkuchen, German zwiebelkuchen, and European nation quiche.

In 16th-century Naples, a galette flatbread was referred to as a pizza. Known as the saucer for poor people, IT was sold in the street and was non reasoned a kitchen recipe for a long time.[13] In 1843, Alexandre Dumas described the variety of pizza pie toppings.[14] An a great deal recounted narrative holds that happening June 11, 1889, to honour the queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, the Port pizza maker Raffaele Esposito created the "Pizza Margherita", a pizza pie fancy with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil, to represent the national colours of Italy as on the Flag of Italy.[15] [16] [17] But the Pizza Margherita already existed: "The virtually popular and famous pizzas from Napoli were the 'Marinara', created in 1734, and the 'Margherita', which dates from 1796-1810. The latter was presented to the Queen of Italian Republic upon her visit to Naples in 1889, specifically on answer for of the colour of its seasoner (tomato, mozzarella and basil) which are reminiscent of the colors of the Italian flag." [18]

Pizza pie evolved into a character of scratch and tomato dish, much served with cheese. However, until the late 19th or early 20th hundred, the dish up was unsoured, not appetizing, and earlier versions which were savory more resembled the vapid breads forthwith known as schiacciata.[19] Pellegrino Artusi's classic early-twentieth-100 cookbook, La Scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene gives three recipes for pizza, all of which are sweetish.[20] After the feedback of around readers, Artusi added a typed sheet in the 1911 version (discovered past food historian Alberto Capatti), pinioned with the intensity, with the recipe of "pizza alla napoletana": mozzarella, tomatoes, anchovies and mushrooms.[21]

However, away 1927, Ada Boni's first edition of 49 talismano della felicità (a well-celebrated Italian cookery book) includes a recipe using tomatoes and mozzarella.[22]

Innovation [edit]

The innovation that light-emitting diode to flatbread pizza was the apply of tomato as a topping. For whatsoever time aft the tomato was brought to Europe from the Americas in the 16th C, IT was believed by many an Europeans to be venomous, like some other fruits of the Family Solanaceae (nightshade) family are. All the same, by the late 18th century, it was shared for the pathetic of the area around Naples to add Lycopersicon esculentum to their yeast-settled flatbread, and so the pizza began.[ citation necessary ] [23] The dish gained popularity, and soon pizza became a tourist attraction as visitors to Naples ventured into the poorer areas of the city to try the local specialty.

Reported to documents ascertained by historian Antonio Mattozzi in Department of State Archive of Naples, in 1807 already 54 pizzerias existed, with their owners and addresses.[24] In the last half of the nineteenth one C they increased to 120.[25]

In Naples, two other figures connected to the trade existed – the pizza hawker (pizzaiuolo ambulante), who sold pizza, only did not make it, and the seller of pizza "a oggi a otto", who made pizzas, but sold-out them in return for a payment for seven days.[26]

The pizza marinara method has a topping of tomato, oregano, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil. It is named "marinara" because it was traditionally the solid food prepared by "la marinara", the seaman's wife, for her seafaring husband when atomic number 2 returned from sportfishing trips in the Bay of Naples.

The margherita is topped with modest amounts of tomato sauce, mozzarella, and fresh sweet basil. It is widely attributed to baker Raffaele Esposito, who worked at the eating place "Pietro... e basta così" ("Pietro... and that's enough"), established in 1880 and still in business as "Pizzeria Brandi". Though recent research casts doubt on this legend,[27] the tale holds that, in 1889, He baked three assorted pizzas for the visit of King Umberto I and Queen mole rat Margherita of Savoy. The Queen's favored was a pizza evoking the colors of the Italian flag – green (Basil of Caesarea leaves), white (mozzarella), and redness (tomatoes).[28] Reported to the taradiddle, this combination was named Pizza Margherita in her abide by. Although those were the most favored, today there are umteen variations of pizzas.

"Associazione Verace Pizza pie Napoletana"[29] ("True Neapolitan Pizza pie Connection"), which was founded in 1984, has set the precise specific rules that must be followed for an authentic Neapolitan pizza pie. These include that the pizza essential be baked in a woodwind instrument-laid-off, domed oven; that the base must be hand-kneaded and must non be rolled with a pin or prepared aside any mechanical means (i pizzaioli – the pizza makers – make the pizza away rolling it with their fingers) and that the pizza essential not exceed 35 centimetres in diameter surgery be more one-third of a centimetre thick at the centre. The connexion also selects pizzerias all more or less the world to produce and bed cover the verace pizza napoletana doctrine and method.

There are many famed pizzerias in Naples where these traditional pizzas rump be found such as Da Michele, Port'Alba, Brandi, Di Matteo, Sorbillo, Trianon, and Umberto. Most of them are in the past historical center of Naples. These pizzerias follow even stricter standards than the nominal rules by, for model, exploitation exclusive San Marzano tomatoes grown on the slopes of Mount Mount Vesuvius and drizzling the olive oil and adding tomato topping in only a clockwise direction.

The pizza bases in Naples are soft and pliable. In Rome, they prefer a thin and crispy theme. Another popular form of pizza in Italy is "pizza al taglio", which is pizza sunbaked in rectangular trays with a wide change of toppings and sold away system of weights.

In 1962, the "Hawaiian" pizza pie, a pizza topped with pineapple and ham, was fabricated in Canada by restauranter Sam Panopoulos at the Satellite Eating place in Chatham, Ontario.[30]

In December 2009, the pizza pie napoletana was granted Battlemented Denomination of Origin (PDO) status past the European Matrimony.[31]

In 2012, the world's largest pizza was made in Capital of Italy and IT was rhythmic to be 1261.65 square meters in area.[32]

In 2016, robotics party BeeHex, wide covered in the media, was edifice robots that 3D-written pizza pie.[33]

In December 2017, the pizza napoletana was inscribed on the UNESCO Impalpable Cultural Inheritance Lists.[34]

Pizza pie in Canada [edit]

a plate half full of pizza, half full of spaghetti

Canada's first pizzeria opened in 1948, Pizzeria Napoletana in Montreal.[35] Starting in the late 1950s, the first pizza pie ovens started entering the nation.[36] IT gained popularity throughout the 1960s, with umteen pizzerias and restaurants initiative crosswise the country. Pizza was mostly served in restaurants and small pizzerias. Nigh pizza restaurants across Canada also serve popular Italian cuisine in addition to pizza pie, much Eastern Samoa pasta, salad, soups and sandwiches. Fast-food pizza chains also supply other side options for customers to choose from, in addition to ordering pizza, including fearful wings, fries and poutine, salad, and calzones. Pizza pie Pops are a Canadian calzone-typewrite snack introduced in the 1960s. Pizza chains across Canada can exist found in shopping centres, schools, and locality plazas, with the majority of these chains offering a sit-and-dine facility for customers.

The nigh knifelike pizza in Canada is the "Canadian" pizza. A "Canadian" pizza pie is ordinarily prepared with Lycopersicon esculentum sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, and bacon. Many variations of this pizza subsist, but the two standout ingredients that make this pizza pie distinctly Canadian River are bacon and mushrooms. Pizzas in Canada are almost never served with "Canadian bacon", OR back bacon arsenic it's referred to in Canada. Sooner, side Francis Bacon is the common pork topping happening pizza.

In the province of Quebec Pizza-ghetti is a combining meal commonly found in expedited food operating theatre family restaurants. It consists of a pizza, sliced in half, accompanied aside a small portion of spaghetti with a tomato based sauce. Although both pizza and spaghetti are well-advised staples of Italian cuisine, combining them in one dish is completely unknown in Italy. A popular variant involves using spaghetti as a pizza pie top-flight, low-level the pizza's mozzarella cheese

Some of Canada's fortunate pizza brands include: Capital of Massachusetts Pizza, Pizza Pizza, and Vanelli's. Boston Pizza pie, likewise titled BP's in Canada, and "Boston's – the Foodie Pizza" in the United States and Mexico, is unmatchable of Canada's largest franchising restaurants.[37] The brand has opened over 325 locations across Canada and 50 locations in Mexico and the US.[37] The eldest Boston Pizza locating was agape in Edmonton, Alberta, in 1964, and operated under the name "Boston Pizza &A; Spaghetti House", with locations still opening across the nation.

Pizza pie Pizza pie, and its subsidiary chain Pizza 73 in Western Canada, are among Canada's largest municipal brands founded in Ontario.[ citation needed ] Up to now, they have over 500 locations countrywide, and fulfil much 29 million orders annually.[38]

Vanelli's is an international pizza chain that is based in Mississauga.[39] The concatenation first opened in 1981, serving both pizza and other fresh Italian cuisine, such as alimentary paste and Italian sandwiches.[39] In 1995, the brand opened its first international emplacemen in Bahrain and became an planetary success. The post continued to open additional locations across the Center East, with chains now opened in the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, and Morocco.[40] There are over 110 locations worldwide; making Vanelli's the first pizza pie brand in Canada to open locations internationally.

With pizza gaining popularity across the nation, major American pizza chains such as Pizza pie Hovel, Domino's Pizza pie and Slender Caesars have expanded their locations in Canada, competitory against the domestic Canadian brands. The major American pizza chains have brought their touch standard pizza recipes and toppings into their Canadian chains, offering their traditional classical pizzas to Canadian customers. However, the American language irons have likewise created Canadian specialty pizzas that are available only if in Canada.

Pizza pie in the United States of America [edit]

A pizza. In the background is a calzone

Pizza pie first ready-made its coming into court in the United States with the arrival of Italian immigrants in the late 19th century[41] and was popular among large Italian populations in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Trenton and St. Louis.[ citation needed ]

According to a 2009 answer promulgated in a chromatography column connected Serious Eats, the first printed book of fact to "pizza" served in the US is a 1904 article in The Boston Journal.[42] Giovanni and Gennaro Bruno came to America from Napoli, Italy, in 1903 and introduced the Port pizza to Boston. Later, Vincent Bruno (Giovanni's son) went on to open the first pizzeria in Chicago.[43]

Opposed stories give the first pizza shop first in 1905 when Gennaro Lombardi applied for a permission in Empire State to make and sell pizza. 1 of the generally accepted introductory US businesses to sell pizza pie, Lombardi's, opened in 1897 as a grocery store at 53½ Spring Street, with tomato plant pies wrapped in paper and tied with a string up sold-out at lunchtime to workers from the area's factories. In 1905, acknowledged founder Gennaro Lombardi received a business license to operate a pizza shop restaurant, and soon had a clientele that enclosed Italian tenor Enrico Caruso. He later passed the commercial enterprise on to his son, George.[44]

Pizza was brought to the Trenton area of Untried Jersey with Joe's Lycopersicon esculentum Pies opening in 1910, followed soon by Papa's Love apple Pies in 1912. In 1936, DE Lorenzo's Tomato plant Pies was staring. While Joe's Love apple Pies has closed, both Papa's and Delorenzo's have been run by the Saame families since their openings and remain among the most popular pizzas in the area. Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana in New Haven, Connecticut, was another wee pizza parlor which opened in 1925 (later the owner served pies from local carts and bakeries for 20–25 years) and is famous for its New Harbor–style Clam Proto-Indo European. Frank Pepe's nephew Sal Consiglio wide-eyed a competing store, Sally's Apizza, on the other end of the block, in 1938. Both establishments are motionless melt by descendants of the original mob. When Sal died, over 2,000 people attended his Wake, and The Newfound House of York Multiplication ran a half-Page memoriam. The D'Amore family introduced pizza to Los Angeles in 1939.

In front the 1940s, pizza pie consumption was finite by and large to Italian immigrants and their descendants. Following Universe Warfare II, veterans returning from the Italian Campaign, who were introduced to Italy's native cuisine evidenced a ready market for pizza in particular,[45] touted by "veterans ranging from the lowliest private to Dwight D. Eisenhower".[46] Away the 1960s, it was popular enough to be featured in an episode of Popeye the Sailor.[47] Pizza pie consumption has exploded in the U.S with the introduction of pizza chains much as Domino's, Pizza Hutch, and Papa Privy's.[48] [ failed substantiation ]

Cardinal entrepreneurs, Ike Sewell and Ric Riccardo, invented Chicago-style deep-dish out pizza pie, in 1943. They opened their possess restaurant along the corner of Wabash and Ohio, Pizzeria Uno.[49]

Pizza chains sprang upwards with pizza pie's popularity rising. Leading other pizza chains were Shakey's Pizza, founded in 1954 in Sacramento, California; Pizza Hut, founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas; and Little Caesars, founded in 1959 in Garden Metropolis, Great Lakes State.[ citation needed ] Later eating place chains in the dine-in pizza market were Bertucci's, Happy Joe's, Monical's Pizza, California Pizza Kitchen, Godfather's Pizza, and King Arthur's Round Table Pizza,[50] as well as Domino's, Pizza pie Hut, Little Caesars and Papa John's. Pizzas from take and broil pizzerias, and chilled surgery ice-clogged pizzas from supermarkets make over pizza readily available across the nation. 13% of the US population consumes pizza pie on any given day.[51]

See also [edit]

  • Food history
  • Pizza in China

References [edit]

  1. ^ Marian Anderson, Burtan (1994). Treasures of the Italian Table . William Morrow and Accompany. p. 318. ISBN978-0688115579.
  2. ^ Helstosky, Christmas carol (2008). Pizza: A Global Chronicle . Greater London: Reaktion. pp. 21–22. ISBN978-1-86189-391-8.
  3. ^ Salvatore Riciniello (1987) Codice Diplomatico Gaetano, Vol. I, La Poligrafica
  4. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF) (in Italian). Archived from the primary (PDF) happening July 22, 2011. Retrieved April 4, 2009. CS1 maint: archived copy as title (yoke)
  5. ^ "Pizza pie, A Slice of American Chronicle" Liz Barrett (2014), p. 13
  6. ^ "The Science of Bakery Products" W. P. Edwards (2007), p. 199
  7. ^ Plakous, Liddell and Scott, "A Greek–English Lexicon", at Perseus
  8. ^ Crompton, Dan (2016). A Greco-Roman Primer: Past Knowledge for Modern Minds. Michael O'Mara. ISBN978-1782435112.
  9. ^ "Aeneas and Trojans fulfill Anchises' prognostication". Archived from the original on March on 29, 2017. Retrieved May 11, 2017.
  10. ^ Nissan, Ephraim; Alinei, Mario (2013). "The Pizza and the Pitta: The Thing and Its Name calling, Antecedents and Relatives, Ushering Into Globalisation". In Felecan, Oliviu; Bughesiu, Alina (eds.). Onomastics in Contemporary Unrestricted Space. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN978-1443852173.
  11. ^ Bamberger, David; Eban, Abba Solomon (1979). My People: Abba Eban's History of the Jews, Volume 2. Behrman House. p. 228. ISBN0874412803.
  12. ^ "Intellectual nourishment and Drink in – Pide – HiTiT Turkey guide". Hitit.co.uk. Archived from the original on August 23, 2009. Retrieved June 5, 2009.
  13. ^ "History of Pizza pie Margherita". tobetravelagent.com. April 9, 2012. Archived from the innovational happening December 19, 2012. Retrieved April 9, 2012.
  14. ^ Dumas, Alexandre (1843). Le Corricolo (in Corsican) (Oeuvres Complètes (1851) ed.). p. 91. Retrieved May 22, 2012.
  15. ^ Danford, Natalie (Oct 1994). "Beyond Pizza". Vegetarian Times. Active Interest group Media (109). ISSN 0164-8497.
  16. ^ "Encouraging to protect 'real' pizza". Philadelphia Inquirer. April 5, 1989.
  17. ^ "Pizza pie purists out to protect patriotic pie". Lakeland Ledger. Associated Press. Marchland 2, 1989.
  18. ^ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-self-satisfied/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32010R0097&from=DE
  19. ^ Alexandra Grigorieva, "Naming Genuineness and Regional European country Culinary art [1]," in Richard Hosking, ed., Authenticity in the Kitchen: Legal proceeding of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2005 (Prospect Books, 2006): 211–216.
  20. ^ Pellegrino Artusi, La scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene (1911; rpr. Torino: Einaudi, 2001)
  21. ^ Mattozzi, Antonio e Donatella (2016) "Pizze, pizzerie e pizzaiuoli a Napoli tra Sette e Ottocento" p. 35, in Pizza. Una grande tradizione italiana. Bra: Largo Food Publisher
  22. ^ Grigorieva. Naming Authenticity. pp. 211–212.
  23. ^ Turim, Gayle. "Who Invented Pizza pie?". History. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved November 30, 2021.
  24. ^ Mattozzi, Antonio (2015) Inventing the Pizzeria: a History of Pizza Making in Napoli, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 16–17
  25. ^ Mattozzi, Antonio Inventing the Pizzeria, Distribution Maps, p. xxxiv
  26. ^ Mattozzi, Antonio Inventing the Pizzeria, p. 28
  27. ^ "Was margherita pizza really named after Italy's queen?". BBC Food. December 28, 2012. Archived from the original on December 31, 2012. Retrieved Dec 31, 2012.
  28. ^ "Solid ground Pie". American Heritage. April–Whitethorn 2006. Archived from the original on July 12, 2009. Retrieved July 4, 2009. Cheese, the crowning ingredient, was not added until 1889, when the Chief of state Palace commissioned the City pizzaiolo, Raffaele Esposito, to create a pizza in honor of the visiting Female monarch Margherita. Of the trio contenders he created, the Queen strongly preferred a pie swathed in the colours of the Italian flag – red (Lycopersicon esculentum), green (basil), and unintegrated (mozzarella).
  29. ^ "Avpn – Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana". Pizzanapoletana.org. Retrieved June 5, 2009.
  30. ^ Nosowitz, Dan (November 4, 2015). "Meet the 81-Year-Archaic Greek-Canadian Inventor of the Hawaiian Pizza pie". Map collection Obscura. Unknown. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  31. ^ Hooper, John (December 9, 2009). "Pizza napoletana awarded exceptional status by EU". The Guardian. London. Retrieved December 9, 2009.
  32. ^ "Largest pizza". Guinness Mankind Records . Retrieved January 13, 2017. From the given area, the circular pizza had a diam of or s 40.08 m, or 131.5 ft.
  33. ^ "NASA wants astronauts to have 3D printed pizza pie, and this startup is construction a printer to make it materialize". Integer Trends. Retrieved January 16, 2017.
  34. ^ "Naples' pizza twirling wins Unesco 'intangible' status". The Guardian. London. December 7, 2017. Retrieved December 7, 2017.
  35. ^ "From the archives: Montreal pizzerias, the labour of soggy have intercourse". montrealgazzette.com. April 22, 2014.
  36. ^ "Delivery the first pizza ovens to Canada in the 1950s". Canada.com. Archived from the original on March 18, 2016. Retrieved February 20, 2014.
  37. ^ a b "Boston Pizza Company History" (PDF). bostonpizza.com. Archived from the pilot (PDF) happening February 4, 2016. Retrieved February 20, 2014.
  38. ^ "Supperless? Want Pizza? There's an app to help you order one". techvibes.com. Archived from the novel on Border 9, 2016. Retrieved February 20, 2014.
  39. ^ a b "About America". vanellisrestaurant.com. Archived from the originative on March 7, 2014. Retrieved Feb 20, 2014.
  40. ^ "locations". vanellisrestaurant.com. Archived from the original on Butt 7, 2014. Retrieved Feb 20, 2014.
  41. ^ Helstosky, Carol (2008). Pizza: A Global History . Reaktion Books. p. 48. ISBN978-1-86189-630-8.
  42. ^ Kuban, Adam (January 5, 2009). "Dear Slice: Boston May Let Had the First Pizza in America". Dear Slice (web log). Serious Eats. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
  43. ^ Bernier, Brian (October 29, 2014). "Readers count in along top Sheboygan, Manitowoc pizzerias". The Sheboygan Press.
  44. ^ Nevius, Michelle; Nevius, Saint James (2009). Inside the Apple: A Streetwise Story of New York Urban center. Rising York: Free Press. pp. 194–195. ISBN978-1416589976.
  45. ^ Turim, Gayle. "A Slice of Story: Pizza Through the Ages". History.com. Retrieved Nov 9, 2014.
  46. ^ Miller, Hanna (2006). "American Pie". American Heritage Foundation. Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  47. ^ "Popeye's Pizza pie Palace". The Big Cartoon Database.
  48. ^ "Pizza pie Garden: Italy, the Home of Pizza pie". CUIP Chicago State-supported Schools – University of Chicago Internet Project. Archived from the new on October 19, 2013. Retrieved August 1, 2014.
  49. ^ Higgins, Dennis. (2014). Tomorrow's borrowed trouble. Whiskey Creek Press. ISBN9781633556850. OCLC 953831802.
  50. ^ "CBC Archives: New 50s Nutrient – Pizza! 1957". YouTube. September 17, 2008. Archived from the original on Dec 21, 2021. Retrieved August 10, 2013.
  51. ^ Cecil J. Rhodes, Donna G.; Adler, Meghan E.; Clemens, John C.; LaComb, Randy P.; Moshfegh, Alanna J. (February 2014). Consumption of Pizza (PDF). Dietary Data Brief (Report). 11. Intellectual nourishment Surveys Enquiry Group, Agriculture Department. Retrieved September 25, 2014.

Advance reading [edit]

  • Barrett, Liz (2014). Pizza pie: A Slice of American Story. Minneapolis: Voyageur Press
  • Dickie, King John (2010). Delizia: The Verse form History of the Italians and Their Intellectual nourishment. Greater New York: Release Press.
  • Helstosky, Carol (2008). Pizza: A Global Story. London: Berg.
  • Mattozzi, Antonio (2015). Inventing the Pizzeria: A Account of Pizza Fashioning in Naples. London: Bloomsbury Academic

Where Is the Closest Cici's Pizza Near Me

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_pizza

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